this is my life
Published on November 3, 2004 By cjbetrus In Life Journals
So I had the weirdest day ever...not that I did weird things, but it was just weird. After waking from a peaceful 2 hours of sleep I found myself standing outside waiting to vote AT 6:50. And the day just got better.

I took two tests, both of which have fled my memory, except for the last page of my Spanish Exam...I swear I had seen that before, too bad I hadn't seen any of the answers. Then it was a long walk to the library where I was greeted by about a million Sleepy Hollow!

Stayed up until about 3am, but not before I had the most amazing burrito this side of the border, studying for Biochem...dag.

I end with this: I am not good at Biochem. Maybe I can be honest with myself...I'm not good at studying. I have great intentions, but that intention rarely translates to productivity. I'm just glad I'm not a Math major!!! To all those who are (the two crazy smart girls who sat across from me, and the one that sat next to me [I'm sure you're crazy smart too] ) I admire your sacrifice!

on Nov 04, 2004
I'm definitely not crazy smart and there's no sacrifice to being a math major. I'm sure that you did just find on BioChem because you are the one who's a genius and pre-med, so whatever. (There's your first comment for ya!)